- James sent along a link to this concept car. Looks like they are optimizing for weight over everything else…everything. Resulting in a 186mpg diesel. We were thinking the body would be fun for an EV conversion (lithium, ac, etc..). Bonus points if you can figure out how to get into the car.
- How carbon fiber works.
- Zeke’s not going to like this one: ventilated car seats can reduce the need for A/C and thereby improve fuel economy. (My dog loves his A/C)
- If you want to charge your EV with “clean” electricity, then check out the state by state listings of the Green Power Network. [via AltEnergyBlog]
- Bill would give hybrids the same small business tax breaks as big SUVs.

Ford, General Motors and DaimlerChrysler, have begun to develop high-volume renewable sources of carbon fiber feedstocks in an attempt to lower their cost. At After Gutenberg
Will the Loremo be available to US consumers? It wan’t stated in the article.
Thanks for the link, JC. I saw an interesting show on one of the science channels last night about cloth buildings (like the Denver airport). The company that makes the cloth covering (actually fiberglass w/rubberish coating) is right here in New Hampshire.
Not carbon fiber, but the many of the same principles.
Joe: no idea. Probably too early to even tell if they’ll do much production, still early in the “concept” phase it sounds like.