You will find articles organized by categories, along with recent comments, along the right hand column of the website. If you are just getting started with the idea of converting a gas car to electric be sure to check out Your First Electric Car .
Welcome and enjoy!
How To Electric Car · 07/13/2013

Michael Greig sent in a link to his website, How To Electric Car the other day. Lots of great photos, details, and explanations of his conversion. Here’s a little bit about Michael.
“For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to build an electric car. It’s a generational thing, my dad wanted to do it before me. About a year and a half ago I set out on a journey to build a decent, reliable electric car for as little money as possible. I’m not a mechanic, engineer or electrician, I’m just a simple guy who can read directions and adapt them to my project. The end result is this, a fully-electric 1991 Chevrolet Sprint with a 30 mile range. This car gets me to work and back without gasoline every day.
I built a website focused not only on showcasing my project, but also to give complete beginners just like me a place to start with no confusing technical jargon. I’m constantly hearing people say: “I’d love an electric car, but I don’t have 40k”. The reality is, you don’t need 40k to own reliable, electric transportation. I built my car from start to finish for $2570, or about the price of a used Honda Civic. Is it sexy? No, but it gets me where I need to go without having to fret over what gas prices are doing on any given day.”

Improving Lithium batteries by 10x · 11/16/2011

Extreme Tech has an interesting article about research done at Northwestern University using Graphene to improve upon Lithium batteries.

- Electric plane wins $1.35 million – powered by 450 pounds of lithium-polymer batteries the plane easily flew the 200 mile course at 100mph. According to the video the power pack is capable of around 300 miles on a “charge”.
- Pre-order customers got a sneak preview of the new Tesla Model S over the weekend. Launch date is on schedule for mid-2012.
- Speaking of Tesla, Toyota has announced an Electric RAV 4 powered by a Tesla battery pack.
- Mitsubishi is coming out with their electric car, the ‘i’ in California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii in November and nationwide by the end of 2012. Looks somewhat like a cross between Honda Fit and a Think Smart car.

Tesla S Alpha · 03/21/2011

GigaOm has a short photo feature on Tesla’s newest electric car, Inside Tesla’s Model S Alpha Workshop. The next Tesla model shoots to have as much as 300 mile of range.
Let’s take a quick look at what’s inside the new model, along with what’s NOT included.
EV iPhone Apps · 03/08/2011

I was curious the other day, wondering what was available in the world of EV related apps for your iPhone, iPod, and iPad. Any design tools? Remote EV monitors or the like? Sadly, no. But let’s take a quick visit to the app store to find out what is available these days.

- Good article over at Engadget Suck, squeeze, bang, bust: the death of internal combustion
- Speaking of moving to electric, the folks at Zipcar announced that they’re now offering plug-in hybrid vehicles in some cities. Check them out on Facebook
- Out of Hungary, the M55 Hybrid-bike
- Over in Ireland, Evan has started the blog: All Electric Vehicles

LED Bargraph battery monitor part 2 · 10/09/2008
OK. So You’d like to build a set of those neat little bargraph battery monitors.
Here’s how it’s done ………

- Bob Hurst is back in the news with his electric Citroen. We’ve featured Bob’s EV before, here and here.
- Speaking of folks we know, Lee Hart is featured in this article, Engineer Designs Electric Car Kit. Unfortunately the article (like many news sites) doesn’t link to any of Lee’s work. I sniffed around and found their Sunrise project page. Be sure to check out the EV Kit page, interesting stuff.
- Shai Agassi is really pushing to put electric cars on the road.
- Steve thinks that he killed the electric car.
- A funny and nostalgic clip from the 70’s featuring Jack Nicholson getting rid of gas and replacing it with tanks of hydrogen gas. Wonder what he’s driving these days?
- Yet another prototype electric car, this time from Nissan.
- Finally we’ll close out with this thread over at Slashdot on how some Americans (ahem!) are refusing to wait for EVs from the car companies. As usual the comments are full of insight and idiocy, but there are a few good links to follow.
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