- Open-Source DIY Plug-in Prius…in a Weekend. Part of the upcoming Make magazine Maker faire April 22-23 in San Mateo, CA. “Join the creators of MAKE magazine, the MythBusters, and thousands of tech DIY enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, science clubs, students, and authors at MAKE’s first ever Maker Faire!”
- New life for sulphated lead acid batteries? (PDF file).
“Over the years I have tried many chemical treatments supposed to rid a cell of sulphation. None of them made any perceptible difference. A strange and devious set of circumstances has led us to the successful chemical removal of sulphation from six lead acid cells. Not only are the circumstances odd, but the chemical used, EDTA, is benign– in fact, it is used as a human food preservative.“
- Vehicle-to-Grid Power: Battery, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles as Resources for Distributed Electric Power in California.

Hey Jerry, great article. please make this available on your references. One question, does this work for all batteries? Even my deep cycle marine trolling motor batteries?
Lead acid batteries all have the same components, but the construction will differ. For example the L16 batteries have very heavy duty plates and at the bottom of the cells there is probably much more clearance for things to settle and accumulate without touching the bottom of the plates.
I once rejuvenated a standard car battery by dumping out the acid, rinsing the inside vigorously with water, and replacing the acid. I suspect it had sediment shorting out some of the cells.
It was messy, nasty work and I suspect that I just got lucky.
Never tried or heard of the approach in the article and not sure how applicable it might be to batteries worn out in EV applications.
Jerry, tell us what you think about this product. http://www.battery-max.com/
Hi James,
No idea. There’s quite a few battery boosting products out there and really the only way to know is finding a number of folks who have tried them or a reputable site that has reviewed it.