You will find articles organized by categories, along with recent comments, along the right hand column of the website. If you are just getting started with the idea of converting a gas car to electric be sure to check out Your First Electric Car .
Welcome and enjoy!
- Beating the rising price of petrol in the UK
- The G-Whiz:
No road tax, no London congestion charge, free parking in central London, 600 mpg equivalent, group 1 insurance - New technology means new challenges.
- Don’s Solar powered scooter. 932 solar powered miles and counting… (more details/pics here)
- Bob’s Honda Civic EV Project, a work in progress.
- World Carfree day is September 22nd. Zeke and I will celebrate with a leisurely walk to work…followed by a couple of lovely biscuits.
- Tips on photographing your car.
- Lighting box for photographing parts.
- Not EV related but I thought it was interesting all the same. Our neighbors up at Dartmouth College have developed the world’s smallest robot.
- All I want for Christmas is a NexxtDrive.
- Hybrids are the talk of the Frankfurt auto show. German automakers point out (again and again) that modern diesel’s are as efficient/clean as a gas hybrid. But what about a diesel hybrid?
- Advanced human powered vehicles from AVD
- Don’t you wish your car cost a penny to drive 4 miles?
- Interesting EV post over at Peak Oil
- Mild Hybrid?
- EAAEV, Electric Auto Association Main
- TEAA, North Carolina
- FVEAA, Lemont, IL
- OEVA, Oregon
- SFEVA, San Francisco, CA
- EVADC, Washington DC
- EAASV, Silicon Valley (CA)
- VEVA, Vancouver, Canada
- EEVC, Pennsylvania
- NTEAA, North Texas
- SEVA, Seattle
- MEAA, Mid-America (Kansas/Missouri)
- VCEAA, Ventura, CA
- EVClubS, EV Club South, Georgia
- HEAA, Houston, TX
- AustinEV, Austin, TX
- ABQEV, Albuquerque, NM
- FEAA, Florida
- SJEAA, San Jose, CA
- EVCP, Ottawa, Canada
- CEAA, Chico, CA
- EBEAA, East Bay (CA)
- EVAOSD, San Diego, CA
- NEEAA, New England
- LVEVA, Las Vegas
- PVEAA, Pioneer Valley (Mass)
- NBEAA, North Bay (CA)
- EDTA, Electric Drive Transport Association
- APRA, Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association
- ECOC, Electric Car Owners Club
- NEDRA, National Electric Drage Racing
- VTC, VTC Solar Car Club
- CEVC, Caltech EV Club
- The world’s fastest electric car. [2003 story]
- High School in Philly builds a super hybrid. [TH]
- Picture of super hybrid being built.
- Solar panels are starting to look good and the companies that make them are seeing their stock soar. “The solar market is projected to grow 35 percent a year for the next three to five years…” [NYT]
- Electric vehicle tax credits of up to $4k.
- Hybrid rebates available up to the end of the year.
- Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy website. Tax incentives and rebates for renewable energy and alternative fueled vehicles.
- Alternative Fuels Data Center, state and federal incentives.
-, be sure to check out the energy use graph. Just over 18% of the energy in gasoline makes it to the transmission.