You will find articles organized by categories, along with recent comments, along the right hand column of the website. If you are just getting started with the idea of converting a gas car to electric be sure to check out Your First Electric Car .
Welcome and enjoy!
- Frito Lay snacking on electric cars…
- Electronic Symbols (thanks Darin)
- Russian Stove (thanks John)
- Toyota going green?
- Mitsubishi concept hybrid, maybe a plug-in? Meanwhile the Germans get the religion.
- Off topic a bit (who, me?) but if you get a few minutes you just gotta check out this ferro magnet movie.
- Biodiesel Community
- Kitchen Biodiesel
- Wisconsin’s first biodiesel plant.
- Wyoming Biodiesel
- Engines Run on Vegetable Oil.
- National Biodiesel Board (featuring Bonnie’s Biodiesel Benifit…Riatt)
- The Clever. Three-wheeled, natural gas urban vehicle.
- Tim Nolan’s Electric Truck. His homepage has additional interesting projects.
- Papier mache aerodynamics from MetroMPG. Also a pointer to an Edmund’s article on the subject.
- ‘Lectric Loon Platoon solar powered boat.
- Run your car off’n cows ‘n stuff y’all.
- Gift ideas for people who like to make things from MAKE magazine.
- 21 Ponies, 4sale video of converting a car to a hybrid (website short on details).
- Gumstix, Linux computer on a stick.
- Subaru Electric Car Q&A. The drive motor is an AC permanent magnet synchronized motor and it generates a maximum 40kw.
- Liquid Nitrogen Smogmobile, cleaner than gas or electric?
- Modified Rand Cam Rotary Engine Entering Series Hybrid Testing. “The engine operates at lower speeds than a typical Wankel engine (less than 2,000 rpm) and at higher compression ratios— 15 and 20 to 1. The engine is compact (the 42hp diesel is 6” in diameter and 6” long), and offers 30% volume efficiency, according to the company, compared to the Wankel engine’s 10% volume efficiency.”
- How about a pseudo EV conversion to start? Get a paper model of your favorite car and do a scale, paper conversion. Easier and cleaner to experiment with than the real thing. If you get frustrated you wad the whole thing up start over.
- Back to being serious (ahem). Today a few links to battery care items:
- PowerCheq battery equalizers.
- Rudman Regulators
- Water Miser Battery Caps
- Tune Up for your Battery (normal car battery, etc..)
- Aqua Pro battery watering system
- Battery acid resistant coveralls (stylin’!)
- Hydrometer
- A nice Fluke MultiMeter, because cheap meters are…cheap.
- Battery heating mats, for those of us who won’t see the sun or temps above 30f for the next four months.
- Battery Filler
- For those who want to try something new. The Linux DashPC™ software platform began it’s development in 1999. At present, it delivers multimedia (DVDs, MP3s, CDs, Radio), Navigation, Games, Engine Diagnostics, and Wireless Networking capability.
- BP to double alternative and renewable energy investments.
- Fuel cell bikes. I have something like this, pretty efficient too: eat a sandwich and go biking! ”:^)
- Batteries & Energy Storage Technology magazine. (by subscription)
- Toyota is gearing up for their next hybrid. They don’t say what batteries it will use, but mention lighter and more powerful…my favorite battery qualities too!
- Arthur Matteson owns a 1980 Renault LeCar, also known as a Lectric Leopard, which had been converted to electric some twenty years ago. Not happy with the DC setup/performance Arthur decided to do something about it. In-between juggling college courses he has designed and built his own AC controller. Arthur has also been kind enough to take plenty of pictures and to share the schematics and software. Lot’s of cool stuff, be sure to pay him a visit.
- Laurentian Canada is plugged in. “You often hear people say battery-operated vehicles couldn’t work in the cold but we say, ‘Hey, we’ve been using them for 10 years and they work just fine.’”
- Power, Plugs, and People, 10 Talking Points for Plug-In Hybrids
- The long and sordid NiMH saga.