You will find articles organized by categories, along with recent comments, along the right hand column of the website. If you are just getting started with the idea of converting a gas car to electric be sure to check out Your First Electric Car .
Welcome and enjoy!
- Hyundai Greenspeed Gator fuel cell dragster concept.
- I just like saying Superhydrophobic Nanostructured Surfaces
- Cogeneration thoughts from the Ergosphere
- NEVs still not allowed in Pennsylvania
- Smokin!
- The Happy Messenger Chinese Electric Car
- Advanced Vehicle Testing Activity, Electric Vehicles
- All Darin wanted for Christmas was a plug-in hybrid push trailer (no word if Santa heard him…)
- Article over at the Energy Blog on Flywheels for energy storage.
- Mercedes LCD instrument dash
- The lithium battery breakthrough in RCs
- The world’s first AC motor for golf cars (and maybe NEVs?)
- SAAB flex-fuel BioPower is a best seller in Sweden.
- Convert anything
- Not at all related to EVs (well, maybe you could use for making battery water?) but a cool idea all the same, the WaterCone.
- Build it yourself, compact 80A Automotive Ammeter
- Fun with Thermodynamic Toys
- Big and Bad: “The truth, underneath all the rationalizations, seemed to be that S.U.V. buyers thought of big, heavy vehicles as safe: they found comfort in being surrounded by so much rubber and steel. To the engineers, of course, that didn’t make any sense, either: if consumers really wanted something that was big and heavy and comforting, they ought to buy minivans, since minivans, with their unit-body construction, do much better in accidents than S.U.V.s.”
- Insight into the Fate of Honda’s Fuel-Efficiency Champ.
- EVForge, a place for people who are involved or interested in the development, conversion, and experimentation of EVs (Electric Vehicles) to gather and share information and resources.
- Battery charging circuits
- Lister slow speed, cold start diesel generator project. Hmm, biodiesel?
- Toyota Yaris, future EV conversion candidate? Drag coefficient of 0.29 and probably very light.
- Restoring power brakes
- $7,000 to upgrade an S-10EV to the latest NiMH battery pack. Hmm, maybe we could dress Eve up as an S-10?
- Change comes hard to the US (editorial).
- Meanwhile Honda is entering the solar cell market for home and vehicles.
- Magenn Power’s new Air Rotor System. (via TH)
- Time to revisit our friends over at MetroMPG. Although the Canadian winter weather has put a major damper on Darin’s quest to experiment and improve MPG, he’s managed to put together a couple great posts: Grill Blocking (i.e. aerodynamics) and an ode to the lowly block heater.
- Manual Transmission Basics ...teeth on the dog clutch.
- 2006 Tour de Sol Driving Toward Zero Carbon Emissions, May 10-14, 2006 Saratoga Springs, NY.
- Electric car quick charge systems.
- EV Motor Calculator
- Myer’s Motors EV pricing program