- Bob Hurst is back in the news with his electric Citroen. We’ve featured Bob’s EV before, here and here.
- Speaking of folks we know, Lee Hart is featured in this article, Engineer Designs Electric Car Kit. Unfortunately the article (like many news sites) doesn’t link to any of Lee’s work. I sniffed around and found their Sunrise project page. Be sure to check out the EV Kit page, interesting stuff.
- Shai Agassi is really pushing to put electric cars on the road.
- Steve thinks that he killed the electric car.
- A funny and nostalgic clip from the 70’s featuring Jack Nicholson getting rid of gas and replacing it with tanks of hydrogen gas. Wonder what he’s driving these days?
- Yet another prototype electric car, this time from Nissan.
- Finally we’ll close out with this thread over at Slashdot on how some Americans (ahem!) are refusing to wait for EVs from the car companies. As usual the comments are full of insight and idiocy, but there are a few good links to follow.

Great links, Jerry!
I had not heard about the open-source EV project for a Honda Civic before. That sounds interesting.
Good to see Bob Hurst’s Citroen looking so well again!
if your reading this then i have a possible problem to report with the sight. i entered my car specs(with projected Cd and other stuff) on the EV calculator and it said that if i drive 90 mph then i could go 600 miles on 4 72volt packs of Sealed Lead Acid batteries. i doubt it and i think that it needs to be updated for more real world driving if possible. if you want me to leave you my exact specs then i will.
thanks in advance,
Sure thing, send along your calculator setup to jerry at evconvert.com and I“ll take a look at it. It’s certainly possible for it to get mixed up!
ok i’ll send it to you this coming sunday because tomorrow i have school and saturday i am busy with our local annual West Point, mississippi prairie arts festival and will be working there all day.
New thread suggestion – Plug-in Cars Available today.
Type in “plugin electric car buyers guide” in Google and report on what you find … that’s what my friends and I want to see.
Look at electric-cars-today.com
Hey you guys need to read this new plugin guide just released. Found this Press Release link on the bottom of their home page -> tinyurl.com/4gssbq
I bought the guide and it has some good stuff in it. Looks like there are a few highway capable plug-in choices available today and they are not golf carts although they are more expensive then they should be.
I would like to hear what you guys think of their web-site and the guide.
Hybrid technology that incorporates batteries, an electric motor, a generator and a small, but traditional ICE (internal combustion engine) seems to be the wave of the near future. This gives us the ability to react spontaneously when issues come up when the battery isn’t fully charged in the car. This is more realistic of American lifestyle.
Neil Young has partnered with H-Line Conversions out of Wichita, KS to convert older vintage cars into CNG hybrids. See www.voltsjournal.com.
I found your site from Google. any updates of your EV project this 2009.? your research seems fun.
Your articles are fun,interesting links. Please do keep posting your progress of your EV project. Good luck!