- My Mom ran across the following handy guide to the care and maintenance of Lead Acid batteries (478KB PDF). She has four Trojan T-105 (6 volt) batteries running the “electricity” at her house. I’ve installed an Air 403 (Southwest Wind Power) generator and a single solar panel on the roof, yet it is usually enough to power a few lights, her laptop, and even a small color tv from time to time.
- James sent along a link to the BBC article on the new paper battery technology. Nothing for EVs any time soon though, “I’m a strong enthusiast of electric vehicles, but it is going to take time to bring the costs down,” said Professor Sperling.
- Congrats to the Ohio State team on their speed record of 201MPH in their hydrogen powered vehicle. (GCC)
- Maybe you’ll insulate your car or batteries in the future using aerogel? They’ve got big plans for it and are trying to think up others. You can even buy a sample.
- Google funded electric cars?
- Not everyone is buying into GM’s electric car buzz.

What about the Tesla Car out of Silicon Valley. Too high dollar but, I think they are heading in a better direction than GM. The Tesla goes faster and farther than GM’s current idea.