- Ummm, fresh schematic… Gordon Stalling has posted schematics and how-to info for his homemade electric car battery monitor.
- Speaking of gauges, scroll down about 3/4 of the way (which is a long ways) on the Poor Man’s EV website to see his collection of monitoring gear. Lots of info and interesting pictures.
- Towards the end of last year a couple of guys from the EVList were brought on by Monster Garage to convert a 1962 Chevy Bel Air into an Electric Car using lithium batteries from Milwaukee Tool. Mark your calendar, program your tivo, the show will be airing on April 10th. In the meantime enjoy a quick preview and this funny ad
- Zap finally cleared all of the hurdles to bring the Smart car to the US. Gas mileage is lower than they have been claiming (40 vs 60mgp). I’ve seen these cars first hand in Europe and they are dinky, just the kind of thing that would be fun to convert to an EV. More info over at Zap

I asked for Gordon Stalling’s battery monitor and i will let oyu know how it turns out.