- The Electrum series Spyder. A $69,995.00 EV running 300 volts of nickel zinc batteries in a composite body.
- Aerobatteries: Aerospace dry cell technology. (yeahbut…the website is one big image!)
- Your first electric car
- Driving the solution, the plug-in hybrid (PDF) artic.e from the Electric Power Research Institute’s journal.
- Darin is conducting more cold weather research, this time figuring out how to best warm up your car.

I love the looks of that car. Finally somebody that recognizes that electric cars need not be ugly as most are. Just the price tags reflects that this company isn’t realy interested in helping the enviroment by putting non poluting vehicles in the hands of the masses (or production capabilities), but is interested in helping just their pocketbook. Hopefully, they’ll come down in price. Best of luck.
In reference to Richard’s comment about the Electrum Spyder: I am certain that the price given is as inexpensive as they can make it – they are not “interested in helping just their pocketbook.” Like it or not, building a car is difficult and expensive for a startup company, and an electric car is more so because the battery system is quite expensive. Kudos to Electrum if they can get to market at this price.