- Been researching brakes after a nice email from Kendall suggesting that I could replace the back drums with discs. Hmm, that would be kind of nice I think. Here’s a few related links:
- Converting Ford Probe rear drum to disc brakes, performanceprobe.com (site really doesn’t like other browsers)
- All you ever wanted to know about brakes (probetalk.com forum)
- Braking in plain english

The Braking in plain english article is really informative! I’m planning to build a three-wheeler someday and this gives me the tools to be able to put the proper size brakes on the vehicle.
I came across this article and thought it might be useful for those who are modifying their brakes or having issues due the increased weight.
Hi Dan,
That’s really interesting. I was just fiddling with my brakes today. I’m intending to fit fast road pads to just help with the extra weight. That’ll move the bias to the front. There are large caliper kits available for my car as well, which will move the bias even further. Whilst having the “MOT” British safety test today I noted that my brake bias is currently around 85% front, 15% rear.
Hi James,
Let us know how that works out.
As far as I know; changing brake pads and rotors only help dissipates the heat that is generated under heavy braking but doesn’t alter the proportional pressure being applied.