Housecleaning... · 18 September 05
The removal of Eve’s engine is awaiting a trip to the store to replace a broken socket, get a 1/2” extension, and to buy a longer 17mm socket to remove the engine mount bolts.
In the meantime I’ve been doing a little housework on the website, cleaning a few things up and making a new section just for Eve.
On the right side you’ll see a new link for Current EV Project. This takes you to a new section of the site dedicated to nothing but Eve’s conversion entries. It has all of the entries organized from the start to present without any of my non-related ramblings and posts (like this one!). You can also click on Eve’s picture in the upper right.
I also added a feature to the pages in how comments are shown on article pages (not this main page). The problem was that the PREV/NEXT links for the articles was way down at the bottom and not all that obvious. So I cleaned them up a bit and in the process hid the comments.

The comments are still there, but are now toggle in and out of visibility using a little bit of web magic found here. Let me know if you have any problems getting to them, I haven’t had the chance to test it on all browsers yet.
Finally, a slightly more pressing matter has been taking time away from the EV: our fridge was dying. It’s only a few years old and some of the parts are still covered under warranty. But who wants to pay someone to come out to tell you that this isn’t the part? I decided to figure out what was wrong first and then call for warranty repair if covered.
The freezer section was working fine but the fridge was sitting at a balmy 64°. Turns out there’s a little vent of sorts that let’s cold air from the freezer into the fridge. The main fridge compartment temperature is regulated by a little electric motor (see, this does apply to an EV web site!) that opened a venetian blind of sorts, letting in or blocking airflow. It was permanently closed.
I cracked it open and have discovered the culprit: a cheesy little piece of plastic had broken. Someone on the Kenmore engineering team should be embarrassed about designing such a weak link.
Maybe I’ll post an article about it over at my other site, The How Zone, when I’m done fixing it.